Nov 01 2001


Published by at 3:31 pm under Uncategorized

The cleaning lady managed to move our (100+ year old, cast iron) bathtub, thereby unhooking one of the pipes. So I noticed after running bath water for about 5 minutes that the bathroom floor was flooded. Yikes! Rufus is mopping it like mad with bath towels. Guess this means I’m doing laundry this weekend.

And in other news, a small oil painting that used to hang above my desk has vanished completely, including its nail. Hmm.

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One response so far

One Response to “PS”

  1. Candion 02 Nov 2001 at 8:35 am

    Oh GAWD, you don’t think she would have noticed the pipe coming unhooked! LOL!

    I still can’t get over the fact that you have a cleaning lady. I’ve been trying to talk Brian into it but so far it’s a no go. LOL!!!