Nov 07 2002

Weather Porn

Published by at 6:11 am under Uncategorized

San Francisco is noted for many things, but dullness isn’t one of them. Except in one particular: San Francisco must be one of the most boring places on earth to be a weatherman (or I suppose I should say, weather person, or possibly meteorologist). The temperature range is rarely more than 40&deg (40 being the coldest and 80 the hottest). The default weather is between 65&deg and 70&deg and sunny, with optional fog, mostly in the summer. The weather is pretty much uneventful, except for the occasional earthquake, though that isn’t really weather.

So it makes sense that the meteorologists get all excited when the winter rains start up (it almost never rains any other time of the year), as they did last night. It’s front page news in what passes for the local paper. But what drives me crazy is how on every single local TV station every single weatherperson says, “The storm door is open”. Not, “It’s really coming down out there” or “Expect storms over the next 48 hours” or anything like that. No, it’s always the damned storm door. I have come to the conclusion that it’s some kind of secret weather porn catchphrase that gives every meteorologist, regardless of gender, some kind of cheap weather thrill just to say it, or even think it. They probably look forward to it all year long. So have it, weather people, and I’ll just avoid the local news until the sun comes back, as I know it will, and enjoy wearing my cute new boots in the rain.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Weather Porn”

  1. Adrian Sevitzon 07 Nov 2002 at 7:19 am

    Those boots rock.

  2. Amberon 07 Nov 2002 at 7:34 am

    Those ARE cute boots! What a great view of the city too!!

  3. LisaBon 07 Nov 2002 at 7:42 am

    I’ll think of your weather woes while I scrape frost off my windshield tomorrow morning.