Archive for November 25th, 2002

Nov 25 2002


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I took a break from the drudgery of work today and slipped out to Stacey’s bookstore, where I picked up the following:

So there I was with my bag of goodies, on my way back to dreary work, when I noticed a demonstration outside the very ugly E*Trade building. I went over to see what it was all about, and learned something more horrifying than anything that ever entered the imaginations of Mssrs. King and Snicket. Worst of all, this was real.

E*Trade is partially financed by the monsters and criminals at Huntingdon Life Sciences, a laboratory which cruelly abuses animals on a daily basis. 500 of them die every single day at Huntingdon’s facilities, located in England and in New Jersey. They have been repeatedly caught violating the Good Laboratory Practice laws, but refuse to stop the needless pain and horrendous suffering, even after being exposed by TV reporters beating beagle puppies and dissecting a live monkey.

So if you invest with E*Trade, you are supporting this. Many brokerage firms, including international giants Charles Schwab and Paragon, refuse to trade in Huntingdon’s stock because they are so appalled by their business practices. I took a handful of fliers and gave them to everyone I work with, since many of them invest with E*Trade. I posted the flyer in our lunch room and mailed one to my vegetarian niece in England. I faxed the CEO at E*Trade:

Christos Cotsakos
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: (650) 331-6000
Fax: (650) 331-6804

Please take a few minutes to do the same. For more information, please visit the official Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty site.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

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