Archive for August 4th, 2015

Aug 04 2015


Published by under Country Life,Family

I’m not sure if the overcast skies over the last few days are because of fog or the wildfires raging in the next county:


The last I heard, there were 50,000 acres burning. Highways, including the one I took to Reno a couple of years ago, are closed, and thousands have been evacuated. It reminded me of the terrible wildfires my brother fought so bravely and so long a few years back, when the smoke veiled the Bay Area hundreds of miles away.

Megan is working as a medic at the Reggae on the River festival up in Piercy with our dear friends Lu and Rik, and there are wildfires there as well. She texted me that there had been hundreds of dry lightning strikes, which is what caused the massive fires here years ago. The drought has made every Californian’s dread of fire that much worse, and our wonderful Governor, Jerry Brown, has had to declare a state of emergency in the Golden State.

I hope the firefighters stay safe and that containment comes soon.

A YEAR AGO: A trip to Oakland.

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