Archive for January 17th, 2011

Jan 17 2011

Perfect Day

Published by under Country Life


First, an update on A

Last week, she was transferred to a different hospital. This was touch and go and the doctors, according to her husband, were “preparing him for the worst.” She has improved since arriving at Hospital B, and is off dialysis. However, she is still unconscious and on a ventilator, so she’s not out of the woods yet. But she is stable and we are all hoping for the best. I’ll let you know when I have more news.

And now back to our irregularly scheduled program…

The magical t-shirt weather continued through the weekend. We met Lu at Big River, and for once, we got there first. It was so funny to see her car coming toward us with Marco’s head hanging out of one window and Harlow’s head out of the other. It looked like her car had ears.

The picture above is at the halfway point of our usual three mile walk. It is a pond in the winter and just a big hole in the summer. It was full of peeping frogs and frogs-to-be. I liked the reflection of the evil pampas grass in the water. We all enjoyed the sunshine and sea breezes (Big River is an estuary and ends at the ocean) and meeting new dogs. Schatzi was particularly taken with a handsome Australian Shepherd named Oliver, and watched him disappear into the distance.

After the walk, we left all the dogs at Lu’s and did our in-town errands for the week. Then we returned to Lu’s and hung out for a while, watching a TV show about real ER cases. It was fun watching it with the two EMTs, who pointed out all the technical errors, and inevitably led to Tales from the Ambulance, which I always enjoy, though this week’s episode was a little gross. On the amusing side, though, I learned that Lu told Woody Harrelson to knock it off when he was racing wheelchairs up and down the hospital hallways*. He did, too. I wouldn’t say no to Lu, either.

It was time to meet Monica. We had a change of venue to the Wharf, which is where we all met the last time. That was more than six months ago! We have to make a newish year resolution to meet more often.

We enjoyed pomegranate martinis and Caesar salad with crab cakes. The crab cakes won the top award at last year’s Crab and Wine Days festival, and I’m pretty sure they’ll win again this year. It was wonderful to sit with the girls and watch the fishing boats come home as the sun set over the ocean. The perfect end to a perfect day.
*He was shooting a movie up here and accompanied someone who got injured on the set to the ER. He wasn’t hurt himself, unless Lu bruised his ego.

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