Archive for January 3rd, 2011

Jan 03 2011

Sunny Walk

Published by under Country Life

What light through yonder tree breaks?

Don’t read this too loudly, but it’s sunny outside.


It was the “s” word yesterday, too, for the first time in a couple of weeks. Maybe longer. I went outside, blinking and confused at the unnatural light, feeling like a mole. Or a vampire. My eyes!!

I decided to take a walk along the logging road which runs behind my house. In the year I’ve lived here, I have yet to hear any logging or logging trucks, though I did run into the law once. Yesterday, however, was a law-free day. Come on and I’ll show you around.

I was amazed by the Technicolor green moss. It really is that color:

And the fallen bark and pine needles make a beautiful pattern:

A couture log, wearing ruffled finery:

All the rain we’ve had has resulted in winter green…

…but also erosion. The lack of rain in the summer leads to wildfires, which in turn leads to mudslides when it rains in the winter. But the erosion revealed the sculpture of the roots:

Near the end of the road, I came across this fairy-tale looking bower of lacy trees:

On the way back, I walked into the sun and admired the view:

As I reached the path to my house, I stopped, lifted my arms and face to the sunlight and just breathed, in salutation and joy.

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