Jan 11 2010


Published by at 5:51 pm under Cats,Country Life,Henry

Whoever set the Audrometer to go off at 4:30 – enough already!

This seems to be her favorite time to get up in the morning, even though it’s pitch black out and makes me really crabby. Now I don’t even bother to put on my glasses. I just lurch out of bed, open the door, and crawl back into bed, swearing. June sleeps through the whole thing (on the bed) and so does Henry Etta (on the duvet on the couch).

This morning, I let Audrey out on time and went back to sleep until 8:00 or so. I went downstairs to make coffee, and while I was in the middle of it, I heard the balcony door rattling and squeaking upstairs as Audrey demanded to be let in. I finished the coffeemaking process and went outside to the porch to call her, hoping that she’d come downstairs instead of my having to go back upstairs (this is why I never make a new year’s resolution to be less slothful. Never going to happen, my friend).

Of course she didn’t, since Audrey’s goal is never to make my life easier. While I was calling her, I felt something cold and damp poke my butt. Turning around in surprise, I looked into Lucky’s huge brown eyes. I moved away quickly before she could start eating my pajamas, remembering how she ate the futon filling with evident enjoyment.

I went back into the house and upstairs to let Audrey in.

I have to admit that I’m getting pretty tired of being a cat doorman. The pay is terrible, and they never tip me, even at Christmas. I’ve been thinking about putting in a cat door to the outside – the one I have is between the house and the cold storage – but then the cats could bring in mice and birds during the day, though I’d lock it at night. I saw June catch a mouse today and spend ages playing with the hapless creature*. Needless to say, I was repulsed by the whole thing, and when I told my sister about it, she trumped me as usual. One of her cats had left a dead and dismembered bird right by the bed.

That’s worse than being woken up by the Audrometer.

*It’s a lot easier to feel sorry for mice when they are outside and behind glass. Or in a Beatrix Potter story, wearing little hats and waistcoats.

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Doorman”

  1. Joyon 12 Jan 2010 at 5:59 am

    You are only re-enforcing Audrey’s hold over you. Don’t let her get you out of bed…flip a pillow or slipper at her…works wonders. What about coaxing her downstairs with some treats…or disregard her completely when she wants to return via upstairs…..You could put earplugs in too!!!!!!!!!

    .You could put earplugs in!!!!!!!

    I have been there….done that…… Now that the cats are older ( maybe wiser? ) they seem to wait ’til they hear the alarm….

  2. Guyon 12 Jan 2010 at 8:21 am

    It’s hard to get a animal break a habit once they get use to get their own way, I say put a cat door and that will solve the problem. What is worse for you, having to get up so early or pick up some of their catches?

  3. Amberon 12 Jan 2010 at 9:05 am

    My youngest cat has taken to scratching at the kid’s door at times when I do not want the kids awake in an effort to get me out of bed and do his bidding. Pillow/book throwing, unceremoniously dropping him out of my bed, earplugs, and the like have just given him the time to figure out the next tactic. And let me assure you, the moment I hear that cat scratching at the kid’s doors, I am instantly awake and leap out of bed. Because once the kids are up, they’re up, and they whine. Incessantly. The other day Callum had a rough night, desperately needed the sleep, and there goes the cat… I think if I could have caught Saffron, I would have killed him. well, maybe not, but it’s a hard call, I was furious. His mission was accomplished, though. I was out of bed and available to do his bidding even though I DON’T. I just go back to my own bed, but he is not deterred.

  4. jenniferon 12 Jan 2010 at 10:01 am

    Two words…spray bottle. They hate water and the spraying action. Works wonders with Cato when he’s yowling for food. Cato definitely knows that he can get what he wants from Mike, but he won’t bug me.

  5. suzyon 12 Jan 2010 at 5:27 pm

    Now that’s sneaky!!

    I’ve tried the spray bottle, but she just keeps coming back. She’s totally relentless and stubborn and just won’t give up. I’ve never had a cat like this before. Good thing for her she’s so cute and cuddly! 🙂