Jan 10 2009

Moonlight Adventure

Published by at 6:26 pm under Uncategorized

It was a particularly beautiful day today, despite starting off with Audrey clawing my feet first thing in the morning. You’d think she’d be more grateful, considering the fact that I rescued her only the night before.

Kittens* have such short memories.

I virtuously tidied up the kitchen after dinner, even going so far as to take out the recycling and a bag of garbage. On my way back into the house, Audrey streaked past me and vanished into the night.

The kittens had lulled me into a false sense of security by not attempting to escape the confines of the house for months. Audrey must have realized she had me fooled, since she saw her chance and grabbed it. Her timing was impeccable: I had left my flashlight at my sister’s over Christmas, which made finding a dark, stripy cat at night even more challenging.

Fortunately, the moon was very bright, and its beams soon revealed Audrey’s eyes in the dark. She ran under my neighbor B’s car, and it was so hard to call her softly instead of yelling at her! She managed to get past me again and went toward the other neighbor’s house, where I caught her by the tail as she hid behind a clump of pale daffodils.

I picked her up and went back into the house, hugging her and kissing her soft fur as she struggled to get away. She hates being held, unlike June, who insists on being picked up at least once a day, and then purrs her subtle purr while placing a white paw against my face. June sniffed Audrey cautiously and thoroughly while Audrey bragged about her adventure.

As I poured a restorative glass of wine, I was so thankful for the presence of that bright, beautiful moon. And my naughty kittens.

*I really should stop calling them kittens, since they’re a year and a half old now. But they’ll always be kittens to me – especially since they still act like kittens!

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One response so far

One Response to “Moonlight Adventure”

  1. grandpapaon 11 Jan 2009 at 7:11 am

    I think the attraction of this beautiful moon over the last few days was just too much for the animals, they are very influenced by the moon as we are of course. I guess the power of its magical pull was the reason for the actions of the kittens. Not only people do strange things, animals have the same right.