Archive for June 19th, 2003

Jun 19 2003


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Vacation Suzy has definitely left the building. I’m no longer staying up late, sleeping in, drinking and eating with abandon, and getting exercise only from shopping and opening bottles of wine. I’m back to the every day or Puritan Suzy, who gets up unspeakably early and goes to bed &agrave la fermi&egravere (this early to bed, early to rise routine has yet to make me wealthy or wise, although it might have contributed to my general health). I have one wicked cup of black coffee a day, and otherwise drink spring water and green tea. Wine bottles gather dust on my wine rack.

I am amazed by how quickly a couple of weeks of self-indulgence can lower one’s fitness level, and also by how much I missed the gym while I was Vacation Suzy. I really should have brought my workout wear. I would barely give myself a passing grade on packing for the trip to Canada. I totally overestimated how much sunny and warm weather there would be, and hardly got to wear half of the cute things I brought. It would have been much better if I’d brought exercise clothes’n’shoes instead, but who knew? I will be better prepared next time, assuming they’ll let me back in the country, that is.

Anyway, I was back at the gym on Monday. I was surprised by how hard it was to do some things, though thankfully, not all of them. It’s not like I’m right back at square one or anything, but it is a little frustrating, especially to the patience-free. I can definitely feel it, too, but it’s good to be back. Who knew, indeed. I never thought I’d be the kind of girl who’d pack sneakers instead of kitten heeled mules.

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