Apr 23 2002

Day One

Published by at 7:05 am under Uncategorized

The courthouse was further from my office than I thought. It took me half an hour to walk there, and I walk pretty fast. Good thing, because it is in a skanky, skanky neighborhood where a girl feels a little nervous walking by herself. I was positively relieved to get in the building, with a passing thought of gratitude that I was not, as others were, ascending the steps in handcuffs, or taking the elevator whose sole purpose is to ferry people in and out of the county jail, which I guess is in the same building.

Maybe boredom isn’t so bad after all (especially when I consider the kind of things that go on in Oz).

So it was essentially a wasted day. Hung around in the big room with nothing to do other than read and ponder the human condition. Spent the lunch break on the steps returning phone calls. Back in the room for another hour, sent home. Called after 6:00 last night to learn that I’m due back there at 11 this morning which at least gives me a couple of hours to get some work done. Stay tuned.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Day One”

  1. Candion 23 Apr 2002 at 1:16 pm

    Oh man, no wonder I haven’t gotten an email from you. Forgot about jury duty. SUCK!!!! Time to find a really, REALLY good book!

  2. Colinon 23 Apr 2002 at 6:00 pm

    I HATE anything soap opera-ish, but soap opera type books are another story… pick up a good Sidney Sheldon book. Tell Me Your Dreams, get that one if you haven’t already read it, you won’t be able to put it down.