Archive for April 7th, 2002

Apr 07 2002

Time change

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I absolutely despise the time change, and am amazed that as a nation we haven’t risen up and rebelled against being forced to change our body clocks twice a year without the reward of going somewhere different, just as we rebelled against unfair taxes and told England to take a flying leap in 1776. We aren’t, on the whole, a nation of sheep or pushovers (or are we?), so it is surprising that we just accept this disruption twice a year without complaint, except for those in right-thinking states who refuse to have anything to do with such a sick and despicable notion.

I don’t really care which one we pick, I just think we should pick one and go with it. Of the two, this change is the least enjoyable for me. I already get up shockingly early to go to work, and of necessity go to bed equally shockingly early. So being forced to get up at 3:30 a.m. instead of 4:30 a.m. (yes, you read that correctly) is not my preference.

And my body, with all its faults, which are neither small nor few, is never, ever fooled. It knows damn well that it got an hour’s less sleep last night, and it’s seconded by my brain, whose performance is correspondingly even more sluggish than usual, especially when faced with the necessity of cognitive thought and/or mathiness as required by work.

I also hate being late, or feeling rushed, and when the time changes in this manner, I wake up at what is really 6:30 on a Sunday morning, but is now, through the forces of evil, 7:30 a.m., and already feel late and short of time, which is not a happy feeling for me.

It’s a fairly new century still, and isn’t it time to not make a change? Let’s rebel against the enforced and senseless time changes and demand freedom for our body clocks once and for all. 2002 can have its place in history, along with 1776!

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