Jan 13 2002


Published by at 10:42 am under Uncategorized

Doesn’t it seem like we’re always going to the movies lately? I didn’t even mention that we went to see “Ocean’s Eleven” last weekend. It was high octane, high gloss fun and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The only two things I didn’t like in the movie were Don Cheadle’s bad and pointless Cockney accent and the whole Julia Roberts thing.

I love Don Cheadle, but I don’t know why they had him doing that accent. If he had to do it, they should have coached him better. And it really was bad — my father was English and his father was a true Cockney, so I know whereof I speak (or hear). The Julia Roberts character was divorced from the George Clooney character, and they hadn’t seen each other for 4 years. They barely have two conversations together but end up getting back together again, for no apparent reason. But despite my nitpicking, which is, I know, a character flaw, it was a great cast and a fun movie.

Rufus and I went our separate movie ways yesterday, he to “Lord of the Rings” and me to “Gosford Park”. I don’t know if I can get Rufus to start posting again, but he really enjoyed the movie. Everyone who has seen it seems to have liked it, but I’m sorry, I have a very low tolerance for fantasy and sci fi and since I had a hard time reading the books I don’t really care to see the movie. I might check it out on when it gets to HBO if I’m having an open minded day, though.

“Gosford Park” would have bored Rufus as much as I would have been bored of the “Rings”, but it was fun for me. Fantastic cast, including Helen Mirren, Michael Gambon, Stephen Fry, Maggie Smith, and all your “Masterpiece Theatre” faves. It’s essentially an English country house murder, set in the 1920’s, but it’s more than that. Beautifully shot on location, including Syon House, which I had visited several times with my father.

The movie was playing at the charming, nearly 80 year old neighborhood theater, the Metro, and I was encouraged to see that there was actually a line to get in, for the show I attended and then for the next one. Unfortunately, most people go to the multiplexes instead, so this is now the only independent theater in our neighborhood, and I hope it gets enough business to stay open.

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