Archive for January 25th, 2002

Jan 25 2002

Baby pictures

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For those of you who were also annoyed by the paucity of my brother’s description of our friend Carrie’s new baby Miranda, here are some pictures so you can see for yourself what she really looks like — at least for now. Babies change their look more often than Madonna.

Here are mama and baby, and here is Miranda displaying the deceptive cuteness of a sleeping baby. It’s just this kind of sneakiness that encourages the human race to reproduce. When you see the sleeping adorable baby, you forget the red-faced screaming monster who wakes you up at 2 a.m. That’s why I like being the auntie/friend, who can play with the babies and then give them back to their parents when they lose their allure.

Hey, at least I know I’m a completely unfit parent and act accordingly.

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