Sep 05 2010

First Foray

Published by at 8:10 am under Cats

The Queen surveys her domain

Audrey may not particularly enjoy her new roommates’ company – the growling and cuffing whenever they cross her path seems to suggest that she does not – but they gave her a boost in dragging me out of bed this morning.

Audrey was, as usual, asking to be let out in the pre-dawn darkness. The boys decided to help her by climbing under the covers and play/fighting against my back, allowing them to squirm around, claw, and bite me in the process. Who says boys can’t multi-task? When one of them shot out of the blankets and clawed my lip as he vaulted over my face, I bowed to the inevitable and headed downstairs.

After I let Audrey out, the boys milled around under my feet as I made coffee. This is their new morning ritual. Roscoe tried to climb up my pajamas as I poured the much-needed caffeine. As soon as I sat down, they raced over to me and climbed onto my chest and shoulders, purring and jockeying for position. They stay like that as long as I let them, making it nearly impossible to actually drink the coffee or type or even read my emails.

Yesterday, Mark came over to work on the endlessly problematic hot water situation. Since he was in and out of the house, I decided to bite the bullet and just let the boys out for a while. I saw them running past the sliding glass doors, chasing butterflies, and wondering what an ant is. If they could talk, I’m pretty sure they would have yelled “Yippee!”

I left the doors open so they could wander in and out at will. Audrey for one was delighted to be able to come and go as she pleased again, and eventually the boys came in and cuddled up in their bed and went to sleep. I’ll try it again today and see how it goes.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “First Foray”

  1. Mikeon 05 Sep 2010 at 3:33 pm

    Oh, that’s very exciting. At least until they figure out how to ask to go outside! Still, it’s nice for them to enjoy a bit of freedom.

  2. Guyon 06 Sep 2010 at 4:28 am

    Good exercise for the boys, it will help to calm them a bit, you hope, they do need some freedom.