Sep 03 2010

Baskets and Birthdays

Published by at 2:52 pm under Cats,Family


Megan had a good first shift back at work, though it was very busy. Among other things, a healthy, happy baby girl was born. By the time the twelve hours were up, both Megan and her knees were glad to go home. She was also glad that I was on hand to make dinner that night.

Star was a good girl. Even when Erica dropped by for a quick chat, Star didn’t bark at her! Erica stayed long enough for me to admire (OK, covet) her fabulous shoes, and then went to pick up Jessica from school.

Today I had conference calls starting at 6 am. Audrey kindly woke me around 5:00, making the alarm clock unnecessary and me cranky. When most of the day’s work was out of the way, Rob and I put up the hanging baskets you can sort of see in the picture above. It’s hard to see the purple one off to the right, but I promise you it’s there. I also potted the geraniums and marigolds for the pots on the steps. I think it’s a big improvement on the way it used to look:


Today is sunny and beautiful, as it should be for my brother’s birthday. He and Rob will be the same age for two weeks, until Rob’s birthday rolls around on the 18th. Jonathan is working late today, but we’ll have a barbecue for him this weekend. I already have champagne.

I’m so happy that I can celebrate my sibs’ birthdays with them. When I lived in the city and in Oakland, I didn’t want to brave the traffic, since Megan’s birthday is near Memorial Day and Jonathan’s near Labor Day. I still remember getting stalled in traffic on the Waldo Grade after visiting Megan for her birthday. I was there for 45 minutes, my sunburn (I had my 1966 Mustang convertible in those halcyon days) getting redder and my patience shorter by the minute. Now all I have to do is walk across the driveway, or drive less than a quarter of a mile. That’s a much better commute.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Baskets and Birthdays”

  1. Guyon 04 Sep 2010 at 4:31 am

    Enjoy the barbecue and the weather, happy birthday to all.

  2. Joyon 04 Sep 2010 at 11:11 am

    A definite improvement….. Congrats to the Birthday Boys….. And all best wishes.


  3. LisaBon 06 Sep 2010 at 10:22 am

    1. FLUEVOGS! Squee!
    2. flowers make everything better, architecturally speaking. 🙂
    3. my sister and I have been in separate countries for years and years now, so I envy your proximity to your siblings! Love the way you guys take care of each other.

  4. suzyon 06 Sep 2010 at 5:33 pm

    !. He makes the most covet-able shoes ever!

    2. Now I have an expert’s seal of approval. Yay!

    3. I’ve lived a long way from my sibs, and I have to say, I like it way better living close!