Archive for March 24th, 2010

Mar 24 2010

I Got the Power

Published by under Country Life

Drinking coffee from my tiny demitasse cup and saucer makes me feel so elegant. Even when I’m wearing one of my oddly assorted morning ensembles*, like flowered pajamas, polka dotted socks, and two unmatching sweaters. You’d never think I had a subscription to “Vogue”.

The other morning, I put a thimble of coffee in the microwave, pressed the button, and turned away to do something else while the coffee was (re)heating. I had barely taken two steps when it turned off. Even though it was a bright and sunny day, my first thought was that the power had gone out. But it hadn’t.

Now, some people will tell you that it’s because reheating yesterday’s coffee is just wrong and this is the universe’s way of telling me to knock it off. But I think it’s due to the eccentric wiring in my hippie hovel. Don’t forget that my lights turn on by turning the switch down so it reads “no”. When I was at my sister’s last weekend, I kept hitting the light switch downward. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to flip it up.

I’m the entertainment wherever I go.

I left a message for Mark, and he appeared later in the day. He won second place in his age class at the Whale Run, and his daughters won second and sixth place in theirs. I was so excited for them I almost forgot that the refrigerator, microwave, front porch, hallway, and bathroom were powerless.

Mark showed me how to fix the breaker switches, which are located outside (like the flash heater and the phone box) by turning them all the way back and then forward. Let there be light!

A couple of days later, he needed a jump start and I was glad to help. It’s only fair to power up a guy’s car after he powers up your house. I think the universe would approve of that, at least.

*As usual, my sister trumps me with this, too. She has been known to appear at my house wearing scrubs, a bathrobe, and bee boots, clutching a cup of coffee and wearing sunglasses.

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