Nov 04 2009

The Outdoorsman

Published by at 7:47 am under Calamity Suzy,Cats,Country Life,Henry

outside henry

It took a while, but Henry finally decided to venture outside. The weather’s been gorgeous lately, sunny and in the 70s, and I’ve had every door in the house open. I guess Henry finally couldn’t resist. He’s been slinking in and out all day and enjoying the sun. I saw him playing with June, too.

I was surprised that it took him so long to go out, but maybe he felt that he had both been there and done that. Or he thought that if he went out, he wouldn’t be allowed back in. All I know is that we’ve made great strides in our relationship.

When I woke up in pain the other night, I went to sit on the couch, unable to risk the risky stairs (I haven’t been up them since, though Rob is working away at Suzy proofing them). Henry took the opportunity to ask to be petted, which I was happy to do, despite the fact that he kept bumping his head into my book. Eventually, he crawled into my lap and sat there for at least half an hour. Can you believe it?

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “The Outdoorsman”

  1. Alisonon 04 Nov 2009 at 8:40 am

    What a pretty kitty. I hope you’re feeling better…and I’m glad you weren’t hurt worse.

  2. joyon 04 Nov 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Henry looks so much more relaxed sitting out there. He really does deserve such a loving home that he has now. Nice to know he is also interacting with the ‘girls’ too.

    Look after yourself and go s l o w l y up and down the stairs….


  3. Guyon 05 Nov 2009 at 4:04 am

    After all these years of being alone, Henry finally found himself a loving home and family, would you be in a hurry to leave in such an environment? Animals are no different than we are regarding their love and safety, they know where they feel safe and loved.

  4. LisaBon 05 Nov 2009 at 7:59 am

    Henry’s turnaround since you starting taking care of him is amazing. I love stories with happy endings/beginnings. =)

    Hope you feel better soon!