Oct 13 2009

Wind & Whether

Published by at 1:33 pm under Jessica,Moving

Stormy weather

Wow! That was intense!

I must have aged ten years on the drive home today. Jessica will be even less complimentary the next time she compares the original to my decade-old driver’s license picture.

I was the most worried about Highway 128, whose curves make Marilyn look like Audrey Hepburn. It turns out that was the fun part. Both 101 and 580 were full of trucks whooshing by, or hanging out in front of me, so I was blinded by the mist in the their wake (is there a term for this?) half the time. Add in torrential rains, gale-force winds, a few flooded lanes, and people driving without their lights on, and you have a hell-a-palooza on your hands.

My Mouse must have been working overtime and wishing I brought its twin.

According to the radio, 280 was partly closed due to flooding, and 101 south of San Francisco was also flooded, backing up traffic for miles. About ten minutes after I passed Philo, I heard that a car had driven into a tree which had fallen across the road there.

I have never been so happy to see Oakland in my life.

As for the interview, also known as the stress-free part of the trip, I think it went well. One of the interviewers worked with Megan at the hospital for several years, so that was a point in my favor. She also remembered my mother’s long, painful illness and was really sweet about it. That’s a small town for you!

They are supposed to decide by the end of the week. If they make me an offer, I don’t know how I can fit it in with my current job, especially since they want someone 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I’m not too happy at the the thought of driving all that way every day, but they do offer medical benefits and it seems like a great place to work. And if they don’t make me an offer, I’ll be all huffy because they don’t want me.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Wind & Whether”

  1. joyon 13 Oct 2009 at 5:37 pm

    All best wishes for your future…..


  2. Guyon 14 Oct 2009 at 4:28 am

    I’m sure you must have been pleased with the results of your interview, I had told you not to worry and you would do well, good luck with the results, I wish you well.

  3. Amberon 14 Oct 2009 at 8:29 am

    Of course they’ll make you an offer!

    and I am very glad you made it back to Oakland safe and sound, that does not sound like an enjoyable drive.