Apr 07 2009

April Showers

Published by at 3:49 pm under Covet: A Series,Henry,Life in Oaktown,Weather

I was startled awake by an unexpected (and unexpectedly heavy) shower this morning. I dashed outside in my pajamas, to the detriment of my velvet slippers, and grabbed Henry’s dishes and bed. By the time I got to the back porch, I would have won the neighborhood wet PJ contest. I propped the door open, fed and watered Henry, then called him until he appeared. He seemed a little nervous, maybe because the girls have been lounging on the porch and now it feels like enemy territory, but at least he can get out of the rain. As I write, he’s lying comfortably on his newly spring cleaned couch, possibly thinking “It’s mine now, girls!”

It’s been a little like Florida today: torrential downpour, followed by sudden sun, then another downpour. I dashed between the raindrops to (literally) run some errands, including the post office, where the guy ahead of me was getting a $2,000 money order. I definitely Coveted that beautiful pile of money.

Remember the house with the white picket fence? No-one rented it on Saturday, so I’m going to look at it tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully traffic will be kinder to me than it was this weekend (when I finally got home, I learned that there had been no fewer than three accidents. No wonder it was such a mess). I’ll keep you posted, rain or shine.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “April Showers”

  1. Guyon 08 Apr 2009 at 4:32 am

    Spring is a time of showers, we can’t get away from it, without these showers, Mother Earth would have to work extra hard to grow the grass, flowers etc. Good luck with the house Suzy…..

  2. Joy Fon 08 Apr 2009 at 4:11 pm

    That Henry is one lucky cat. I note that he does come when you call! He is not stupid either….!!

    I echo the good luck wishes too.
