Apr 03 2009

All In a Day’s Work

Published by at 12:01 pm under Henry

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood

The winter rains appear to be over, so I moved Henry’s dishes to the back lawn. He loves to dine al fresco, and now the weather’s warm and sunny, I hardly ever see him except at breakfast time. I rescued his bed from his summer quarters and put it in the newly-repaired washer, along with the blanket from his winter quarters. After I took the blanket off, I noticed that the couch cushions (it’s actually a metal-framed futon rejected by my boss’ youngest daughter) could use a spin in the washer, too, so off the covers came, creating another load of wash.

Henry feels the same way about housework as I do, so when he saw me pulling his bed apart, he retreated to a safe distance, where he could keep an eye on me but not have to be involved in the actual chorishness. I think I was a cat in a previous life (and apparently a really mean one, if you believe in all that karma stuff).

Once I had the cushions off, I noticed how grubby the floor was, so I went to get my trusty bottle of Mrs. Meyers (basil scented) and my cute gloves which should inspire me to do housework more often, yet somehow don’t:

While the bucket was filling, I saw the porch windows were in serious need of spider web removal (sorry, Charlotte), so I did that before swabbing the porch floor like an exceptionally well-accessorized pirate. Everything is in the dryer now, which I feel so guilty about using, and once I put the couch back together, I’ll replace Henry’s bed in his original bachelor pad and shut the porch door so the girls can get some fresh, sunny air.

Whew. I’m exhausted. Bring me a cocktail, will you? And put an umbrella in it.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “All In a Day’s Work”

  1. Guyon 04 Apr 2009 at 6:40 am

    Karma, in my knowledge of this and from what I read through the Masters, we were never anything but humans in past lives, although some religions believe otherwise. However, it does not matter what one believes or dosen’t, as long as you become a better person in this lifetime and learn through our experiences and sufferings.

  2. Kathleenon 14 Apr 2009 at 10:53 am

    Want to come to my house? It could use some serious cleaning/picking up.