Jan 20 2006

Weekend Retreat

Published by at 5:51 pm under Uncategorized

I spent the weekend with my fabulous friend K. She recently bought a 150 year old house in a quaint town, and I couldn’t wait to see her and the house (which has the cardinal virtue of being older than Me, unlike the lovely K, who is way behind me, at least in age).

I went by train, which I really think is the only civilized way to travel, though not as wonderful as in the halcyon days of observation cars, bar cars, and actual furniture. Still, there’s no traffic, you don’t have to drive (a big plus for Me and the unsuspecting world, since my driving is rarely, if ever, uneventful), you can get food and drink at your seat, get up and stretch your legs, and you don’t have to fight the laws of gravity by leaving the ground. Not to mention not having to get to the station half a day before your trip, or being searched (all you paranoid types: maybe trains will be the next terrorist targets! Call Amtrak now!).

After my delightfully uneventful trip, I met K at the station and repaired to her house. It is a charming jewel box of a house, and her hard work since acquiring it really shows. She has a real flair for decoration, too. The highlight for Me, of course, was the bathroom, with a to-die-for soaking clawfoot tub, (looking much like this),which I wasted no time in appreciating, up close and personal.

Since the house is still a work in progress, and the guest room is mostly used for storing tools, K and I slept in the same bed. Well, I slept. It turns out to my horror (a la Mary Tyler Moore) that I snore. Eeek!! I asked her if it was like the gentle buzzing of a distant bee, and she hesitated before telling me that it was “girlie.” Prospective bedmates, you have been warned.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Weekend Retreat”

  1. Kathleenon 24 Jan 2006 at 6:23 am

    It was very nice of K to be so tactful.

    And that bathtub is to die for!!!

  2. Pascale Soleilon 29 Jan 2006 at 1:13 pm

    Ha! A “girlie” snore.

    I doubt there is such a thing. But what a nice way to put it.