Nov 19 2003

Goodbye, Josephine

Published by at 11:26 am under Car,City Life

Well, it’s official. My life is completely Josephine-less. We lost our darling cat Jo in 1999 – as befitted a unique and beautiful person, she died young and tragically – and I have now sold my car Josephine, pictured above. Unlike Jo the cat, Jo the car is old (vintage 1966), but as you can see, both Jo’s are beautiful. In fact, I named the car for the cat, because it is the color of her eyes.

When I lost my parking space in the building next door, I looked for another one anywhere within a 12 block radius which was less than $300 a month, and failed. I couldn’t park Josephine on the street, because she has a soft top, the doors don’t really lock, and you could start her with a hairpin. It would be just asking for it (someone keyed the hood when I parked her in the Pier 39 garage. Human nature – you just gotta hate it). I only drove her on the weekends, anyway, so I brought her up to my brother’s in the country for a vacation.

That was three years ago, and in spite of keeping her under wraps over the rainy winters, the car cover wasn’t really enough to prevent the weather from damaging her. I couldn’t find a parking place in the city that wasn’t outrageously expensive or so far away that I’d have to either take public transit {*gasp* – to be avoided at all costs – it’s either walk or taxi for me, thank you} or a cab to get to it. The decision was clear, but facing up to it was hard.

As luck would have it, John has been friends since high school with a guy who is a total Mustang fan, and he agreed to buy Josephine and ship her to her new home. He will have the pleasure of restoring her to her original glory as well as driving her (in fair weather only, of course), and she won’t really be gone – I can still visit her. And in the meantime, I know she’s being loved and cherished.

But I’ll still miss her.

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Goodbye, Josephine”

  1. Michelleon 20 Nov 2003 at 12:59 am

    She is a real beauty.

  2. LisaBon 20 Nov 2003 at 7:22 am

    That’s sad. I feel your pain. I’m starting to realize I have to face the fact that when I move back to Canada the logical thing to do is sell my little red DelSol before I go. But I don’t wanna. But I probably have to. =( It’s so easy to get attached. *sigh*

  3. Amberon 20 Nov 2003 at 7:51 am

    awww :(. *hugs*

    At least you know she’ll be well cared for, that makes the decision a little more bearable.

  4. Maryon 20 Nov 2003 at 11:45 am

    I can certainly relate. It’s been half a year since I gave back my car Chester. I still miss him and hope that another owner takes care of him. I’m sure she will be loved and well cared for.

  5. Colinon 20 Nov 2003 at 6:07 pm

    Well, all good things must come to an end, but I’m sure you’re a better person for having owned her.

  6. Candion 23 Nov 2003 at 5:17 pm

    Awww, poor Josephine will be missed! But at least she’ll have an owner now who will actually drive her!