Aug 12 2002


Published by at 6:22 am under Uncategorized

I have that Kinks song Lola on my mind. Maybe it’s all those transvestite hookers I see on my way to work in the morning. I leave for work so early that the night, in the form of hookers and people stumbling home with their buzz wearing off, is just beginning to give way to the day, in the form of stockbrokers. It’s a piquant mixture.

The hookers, transvestite and otherwise, usually say something like, “How you doin’ today, honey?” to which I usually say something like, “Pretty good, and you?” (imagine if we answered that most rhetorical of questions truthfully! “Barely able to keep it together, and you?”). Then we admire each other for a minute or so. They generally appreciate my hair (?) and jewelry, and I always love their shoes, though I could probably walk in them about as far and convincingly as a five year old playing Dress Up with her mother’s shoes. Then I go off to work and so do they, though theirs is far more honest, I think. I mean, you definitely get what you pay for with them.

We saw Blood Work this weekend. I like Clint, I do, but he is at least 20 years too old for the part. It’s kind of creepy to watch him getting it on with a 30 year old, even if that’s what he does in real life. I kept mentally re-casting the part (Ray Liotta? Gary Sinise?). For some unknown reason, they changed the ending from that in the book, which was already perfect. Though if you haven’t read the book, you’ll be fine with the ending. It was good, but not great.

Look at that. I didn’t give away the ending! Movie reviewers, take note. And whoever is responsible for making trailers, take note of this notion-ette: trailers should be appetizers, not entr&eacutees, OK? I don’t want to see the whole damn movie in the trailer. Just give me an idea of what it’s about and who’s in it and get out of there. Tease me, baby, don’t sate me.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “L-O-L-A”

  1. Kellyon 12 Aug 2002 at 7:27 am

    Damn. I recall the ending in the book being fantastic. Ah well.

    Yes! Why do reviewers and the trailers give away the entire movie and, God forbid, the ending? Awful!

    I remember Shawn and I watching the trailer for “Cast Away” and we were stunned — they gave the *entire* story away in 45 seconds. Stunning.

  2. Amberon 12 Aug 2002 at 10:38 am

    Totally off topic but one of the guys I work with named his new baby Lola. I can’t hear that name without thinking of that Kink’s song. Poor kid!