Jun 05 2002

Birthday aftermath

Published by at 3:56 pm under Uncategorized

Company’s gone, birthday over, things pretty much back to normal, other than there are so many cards and flowers around the house that it looks like someone just died instead of someone being born a really long time ago.

Even though A.A. Milne’s Eeyore observed with some truth, “What’s a birthday? Here today, gone tomorrow”, mine seems to be more in the nature of Hanukah, and consisting of days of gift-getting. Among the offerings: a huge basket of flowers (including some of my favorites: Stargazer lilies, roses, peonies) and bath goodies from my older sis and her family in England; deep purple amethyst earrings; a fabulous pearl necklace; books galore; CD’s, including the new Elvis Costello and Neil Young. Not to mention champagne and French truffles so rich and deeply chocolate that they are probably illegal in this country.

When I got to work today, there was a gorgeous soapstone vase engraved with cats and filled with lilies, orchids, and other fabulous exotica, all for the fabulously exotic Me. And when I got home, there were no fewer than three delivery slips, meaning I will go to the post office tomorrow and get still more presents! You just have to love getting presents from all over the world. And that doesn’t even count all the e-mails and blog valentines, one of which in particular was so sweet it almost made me cry.

Turning 40 was pretty emotional for me. Partly because it was the first birthday without my father, partly because one’s youth is rapidly disappearing if not entirely gone, and considering how fast the first 40 years went, the next will be at Concorde speed. So these are sobering thoughts. But I’m also very touched by all the people who took the time to tell me they care, and are thinking about me. Right back atcha.

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Birthday aftermath”

  1. Babson 05 Jun 2002 at 7:19 pm

    Bonne Fete! 🙂

  2. Candion 05 Jun 2002 at 8:14 pm

    Wow, you really made out like a bandit, didn’t you? Jewelry and flowers and oh my.. I need more friends. LOL!

    I hope that mine is at the post office waiting for you!

  3. Johnon 06 Jun 2002 at 6:27 am

    40 myself last week…..wish I could take it as well as you….grrr

    Happy belated birthday anyhow.

  4. Amberon 06 Jun 2002 at 11:33 am

    Sounds like everything a birthday should be :)!!

  5. Beckyon 06 Jun 2002 at 11:18 pm

    Joyeux Anniversaire!! I’m glad that you had a wonderful birthday, Suzy. And your attitude on turning 40 is inspiring.