Jul 08 2001


Published by at 12:16 pm under Uncategorized

I have spent all morning working on my new site, and am having a problem with one of the pages which I can’t figure out, so I’m taking a break before my head explodes.

Had an update from my sis, who made it safely to England. The flight was hot, crowded, full of screaming kids, and she had to check her backpack, which really annoyed her. Every time she goes to England, it rains, like she brings her own low pressure front with her — the opposite of our Dad, who always has sunny weather when he’s here for Christmas. Even though it’s July and it was 80 degrees the day before she arrived, it’s raining now. Poor kid.

Rufus and I had a fun porn double bill yesterday. He’s very good at coming up with good double bills with a theme. Yesterday’s was “The People vs. Larry Flynt” followed by “Boogie Nights”. I think both are great movies, and I also think both could have been a LOT grosser and graphic than they were. Both have great casts, style, and wit. I don’t agree with the critics who said that “People” glorified Larry Flynt. I think it shows him as the sleazebag he is, but a smart sleazebag. I also think it’s a real love story, however strange.

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