Jun 26 2001

Patches & pyramids

Published by at 5:39 am under Uncategorized

Maybe I’m just in a skeptical mood today, but I find it hard to believe that a vanilla-scented patch can really stop the craving for actual deep, dark chocolate. But if nicotine patches can work on the worst craving known to man, why not?

I also find the theory that the ancient Egyptians used kites to build the pyramids pretty ridiculous, too. Wouldn’t Ben Franklin have already figured it out if that were the case?

And finally…I still can’t believe it actually rained here yesterday. That should be unheard-of.

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One response so far

One Response to “Patches & pyramids”

  1. Candion 26 Jun 2001 at 6:15 am

    Who would even WANT to give up chocolate?

    And re: the nicotine patch, I’ve yet to find anyone who those damn things have worked for. lol