Mar 15 2023


Published by at 6:55 am under Country Life,Weather

We were hit with yet another Atmospheric River storm. I left work early yesterday because I heard that Highway One was closed in Little River (the next town north of Albion, aka Hooterville in these pages), and I was worried that I would once again be unable to get home.

The highway was one lane at Big River, just south of Mendocino, because of a massive slide. I was finally able to get through and kept going. I took the road from the cemetery in Little River, since I knew the highway was closed beyond that point and there was no other way to get home. It was terrifying. The road is badly potholed and it was flooded. I drove slowly, not knowing how deep the water was or if I would make it through (of course, I did have my Mouse).

When I got to the Y in that road, I took the road to the Albion Bridge. This is a non fun road at the best of times, because it’s steep, narrow, and twisting. In this case, it was also flooded, and there were two slides I could just navigate around. Not far from the bridge, there was a slide that took up one lane. CalTrans was on the scene. I made it to the bridge and back onto Highway One, which was empty, probably because the highway was closed in Little River and also a few miles south of Albion, where the Navarro River routinely floods and closes the road every winter.

My Ridge was not so bad, being very high (about 700 feet above sea level) and draining off into the river. There were a couple of flooded places, but I could drive around them and I could at least see the potholes. I was so relieved to get home, even though the power was out. I was supposed to take the minutes at the Finance and Board meetings last night, but couldn’t, since the meeting was via Zoom and no power means no internet. It was the first time I have missed a Board meeting since I started working at the clinic 9 years ago this month.

Power is back on today and roads are open. I made it to work. Hope it’s a better day today.

A YEAR AGO: Thinking about Dad on his birthday.

FIVE YEARS AGO: Getting a new mattress was not as easy as I expected.

TEN YEARS AGO: Dogs and a seaside walk: Dad would have approved of how we spent his birthday.

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO: A snippet of City life.

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