Mar 05 2013

A Check Up

Published by at 7:47 am under Dogs,Family,Schatzi

At the vet’s

Megan and I took the 15 year old Miss Schatzi for a check-up last week. It’s been over a year since Dr. Carl alerted us to the Swiss Cheesiness of Schatzi’s bones, and five months since she last saw Dr. Karen, so it was time for a check-up.

When a dog gets to this age, a girl has to wonder how much time her dog has left. Dr. Karen did some blood tests, which revealed that Schatzi is perfect, other than her fragile bones, arthritis, and a little heart murmur which was noted on the last visit and which has not gotten worse. Basically the only thing that’s really wrong with her is what the ER staff around here call TMB (too many birthdays).

She prescribed some new meds for Schatzi’s dementia – apparently loss of calcium in the bones affects the brain as well, at least in dogs – and renewed the many other drugs which allow Schatzi to go prancing by my house every day. Megan is very dedicated and careful about Schatzi’s diet and pain management, and it has paid off.

Schatzi is still enjoying life, playing in the woods, sometimes with her boyfriend, Yellow Dog, napping in her hay bed, or basking in the sun and sniffing the smells. Dr. Karen is pretty sure that Schatzi will make it through the summer and we can revisit her situation then.

Dr. Karen said, “She’s a surprising animal.”

She doesn’t know how surprising, though. Last week, I was getting ready to leave for work when Megan called, saying that Schatzi had taken off on her. She’d been seeking her for half an hour with no luck. I hurried off and we met up over at our brother’s property, where Megan walks the dogs after getting home from work and before going to bed.

We split up and started looking for the missing dog. It’s hard to find a deaf dog in a densely wooded area. My hands were aching with clapping for her. We had been looking for about half an hour when I saw her trotting merrily down the driveway as if nothing had happened. I managed to get her in the car and then found Megan.

I was afraid that Schatzi would be sore from racing around so long, but she was fine. Surprising, indeed.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “A Check Up”

  1. Guy Charbonneauon 05 Mar 2013 at 11:43 am

    Sounds like Schatzi is doing very well indeed, she can still give you guys the run around and her age? wow.

  2. Mike Charbonneauon 05 Mar 2013 at 12:22 pm

    I love how animals have the “what?” attitude about everything.

  3. Joyon 06 Mar 2013 at 8:41 am

    A remarkable dog, that’s for sure.

    I really like this still life photo….I love the donkey peeking out from the side of the vase.

  4. suzyon 07 Mar 2013 at 8:28 am

    I love the donkey, too. Karen always has stunning floral arrangements in the waiting room. It’s far and away the prettiest vet office I’ve ever seen.