Sep 22 2010

File Under “Miscellaneous”

Published by at 6:29 pm under Country Life,Family

Early rain, early morning

Wow. Has it really been almost a week? What have I been up to, you ask?

Well, there was unseasonable rain the night of Rob’s birthday and into the next day. I attempted to capture the rain drops on the trees (see above) with the new camera, which I am learning how to use. I even shot a movie of the kittens’ feeding frenzy (complete with plaintive, loud meows), but am trying to figure out how to save it. QuickTime 7 doesn’t support this and in order to do so, I’d have to buy the “pro” version, which I really don’t want to do. If/when I do, I’ll see if I can post it here.

So far, the hardest thing to get used to with the new camera is the lack of viewfinder. Instead, there’s a giant screen thingie, which you have to use to frame the picture and then take it, something of a challenge when you have bi-focals and bad vision. So I’ve been practicing, and you’ll be able to enjoy my homework as this post rambles on.

For example: the driveway was unable to withstand the rain:

Post-rain driveway

We nearly got stuck in the mud, and I have to admit to some concerns about the upcoming rainy season. Mark had a guy here today smoothing it out and applying more gravel, but I’m not convinced that the problem is really solved. I guess time will tell.

Gratuitous photo of the “Rust Room” in my garden

I’ve been busy with work, which is good. I like feeling efficient. It’s such a novelty! But it doesn’t lead to blogging. Neither does helping my brother clean out the house he lived in for fifteen years. You can acquire a lot of things and stuff in fifteen years, especially if you’re a part-time mad scientist. For example, I am now storing a giant and valuable Tesla coil in the studio, wrapped carefully in blankets.


The tiny picture above is the only one I could find of my brother’s house. It’s at the end of the driveway, and Mark is now fixing it up, adding a bathroom and the like, since there is currently only an outhouse and a bathtub, which is in the livingroom. It has windows on three sides, looking at the woods, and the fourth side is open to the livingroom, which may not be to everyone’s taste. Same goes for the stairs, which have risers well over a foot high, with a stump as the final stair at the bottom and a post at the top carved into a phallic shape. James was an eccentric builder, to say the least*.

So after I was finished work for the day, I’d head down there and help clean up. As you know, I find manual labor distressing. And it’s even more boring than regular work and even less blog-worthy. By the time I got home, had a shower, and put on my PJs, it was all I could do to mix a cocktail and read Style Rookie before falling asleep with wet hair. Which makes me glad that most of my work is done on the phone.

*When Rob was finished adding the bathroom onto his and Megan’s house, James offered to do the tilework in the shower. Megan said okay, providing that the tilework was devoid of any human anatomy or even the suggestion of it. It’s a lovely abstract design. If there’s any subliminal messages there, they’re very subliminal.

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “File Under “Miscellaneous””

  1. Guyon 23 Sep 2010 at 4:52 am

    I like the photos, I think you’re learning how to use your camera well, I can only imagine what you will be able to do once you get all instructions and equipment in order.

  2. Joyon 23 Sep 2010 at 6:28 am

    What an interesting area you have fallen into…..Was James an abstract artist? Or maybe Rose? They obviously had a different concept of comfortable living.

    Good luck with your photography…


  3. suzyon 23 Sep 2010 at 9:18 am

    As far as I know, James expressed his creativity through designing and building houses. Rose was the artist. Though clearly they both had artistic visions, though they expressed them in different ways. Maybe I’ll take a picture of the tile work to show you.

  4. suzyon 23 Sep 2010 at 9:19 am

    I’m not in Mike’s league, but I’m learning!

  5. Amberon 26 Sep 2010 at 11:44 pm

    Where is Rob going? To the property?

  6. suzyon 27 Sep 2010 at 8:36 am

    My brother Jonathan moved to the property over a year ago. But he moved into a teeny trailer, so he left a lot of stuff behind to be dealt with later. Now that our landlord has a new tenant moving in soon, it was time for the leftovers to go.

    Megan and Rob do hope to move to the property, too.