May 05 2009

Front Row Seat

Published by at 3:42 pm under Uncategorized

All this for me?

Whenever I know I have to get up early, it pretty much guarantees me a bad night’s sleep. I lie there thinking non-sleep inducing thoughts like “If I go to sleep right now, I can get five hours” and unhelpful things of that nature. Inside my head probably looks a lot like the outside, a jumbled chaos of boxes, things, and stuff, if you throw in a hamster wheel for them to keep bouncing around in.

Of course, the one time a girl can sleep is, you guessed it, right when the alarm goes off. It’s an enduring mystery. I had an early conference call, and it went on longer than I expected. I hardly had enough time to pretty myself up and get to BART, where I discovered there were delays, which in turn delayed Me. When I finally got to the office, there was unseasonable rain outside and a Cinco de Mayo festival in the lobby. Free Mexican food (though, sadly, no margaritas) in exchange for showing your photo ID, which I had fortunately and uncharacteristically remembered in my morning haste.

Clutching my vegetarian tamale, I dropped everything off in my office and proceeded to have a fairly productive day in spite of the rushed beginning. When I got on the bus on the way home, the driver said, “Girl, you done made my day with your beautiful self!” so my prettying must have been better than I thought. Or he was being nice (free compliment with every bus ride!).

So I was smiling my way down the street when I noticed the flashing lights that meant one of Oakland’s finest was paying me yet another visit. Possibly the bus driver had alerted them to my good hair day. I asked the cop who was standing on the remains of my lawn what was up, and he said that a guy two blocks away had apparently doused himself with gasoline and was threatening to set himself and the house on fire. His possession of a rifle was making reasoning with him a little on the challenging side.

Welcome home!

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Front Row Seat”

  1. Joy Fon 05 May 2009 at 4:31 pm

    You do live in an exciting neighbourhood! Look forward to you leaving this area.


  2. Amberon 05 May 2009 at 6:40 pm

    I second the sentiment of looking forward to you leaving Oakland. yikes!

  3. Guyon 06 May 2009 at 5:05 am

    Suzy, never a dull moment around your area, but a least someone took the time to compliment you. Strange is it not, the every day routine that goes on around us no matter what goes on, or who wants to end it all.

  4. Mikeon 06 May 2009 at 8:22 am
