Oct 17 2005

More Songs About Buildings and Boobs

Published by at 8:31 am under City Life

My friend and neighbor Charlie, who lives across the courtyard (and, more importantly, brought me the fabboo Venetian presents this summer) heard someone knocking at his door ’round midnight.

He opened it to reveal a woman he had never seen before, holding two cigarettes. She offered him one in return for using his computer, but alas, smoking is not one of his vices. Her alternate suggestion? “Want to see my boobs?” His civilized response: “That won’t be necessary.*”

It turned out that she is an (allegedly) former stripper that a girl in the building took on as a roommate out of desperation. Her boyfriend left her suddenly and she needed help with the rent. A couple of days ago, I saw (and heard) the two of them arguing in the courtyard, the roommate telling Boob Girl that she never wanted to come home and find homeless people in her livingroom ever again. This seemed to be quite a reasonable request to me, though not to BG, who expressed her opinion so loudly that someone thought police intervention was necessary. It probably was. Homeless person was ejected, and I haven’t seen BG since. This roommate thing seems to be somewhat problematic.

On the (thankfully) less wild side, Jeff, who also lives in the building, just got a new roommate. He already lives with his brother Aaron, and the new roommate’s name is, you guessed it, Aaron, which is so delightfully Newhart. “Hi, I’m Jeff, this is my roommate Aaron, and this is my other roommate Aaron.”

*This reminded me of when Dad and I were walking through the Tenderloin, favored hangout of hookers, and he was propositioned. He very politely said, “No, thank you very much” in his cultivated English voice, which made me laugh. He said, “There’s no point in being rude about it,” and walked on.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “More Songs About Buildings and Boobs”

  1. cassie-bon 18 Oct 2005 at 7:26 am

    Sounds like a lively place you live in. I’d like to hear the neighbor actually introduce Aaron and Aaron. If he doesn’t do the Newhart thing, he’s missing a big one.

  2. Kathleenon 18 Oct 2005 at 8:50 am

    I have two friends named Darrell and Darryl…so I can do the Newhart thing…if one of them didn’t live in Chicago…

  3. Mikeon 18 Oct 2005 at 10:05 am

    Your entry title sounds suspiciously like a Talking Heads album name. As for her suggestion, all I can do is shake my head and quote Bruce Willis in Die Hard: “Fuckin’ California.”