Archive for October 8th, 2002

Oct 08 2002


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An informal survey of Southern friends reveals that grape is the preferred flavor of jelly for egg or sausage McMuffins. None of them even questioned the jelly’s presence. So it must be a regional delicacy. But jelly with cheese just seems so wrong. Like fish on pizza.

Beth flew in on Delta, and had both a bumpy flight and landing. This seems to be so common when flying on Delta that I just have to wonder. Did they miss the smooth flight and landing class most pilots seem to have taken, like how I must have missed the girl class in how to keep my bra straps up (they are forever slipping)? Or are they doing it on purpose, for some unknown reason? Enquiring minds want to know, and I for one am not planning to take Delta anywhere ever. Flying is scary enough as it is, thank you.

One mystery I think I have solved is all those October birthdays. I know 12 people with birthdays in October, more than any other month of the year. I have come to the conclusion that it’s all those New Year’s parties: drunk, happy people throwing inhibition and birth control to the winds, resulting in a harvest of October babies!

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