Aug 13 2001


Published by at 6:40 am under Uncategorized

Sometimes my dreams are so weird, I wonder if I’m actually insane. But then I think, maybe it’s just mental garbage and having dreams is just the mind’s way of taking out the trash. If you wonder about this stuff, too, check out the Dreambank. Thanks to Becky’s always fascinating and informative blog.

Last week, I had a couple of very vivid dreams — the kind that are so real you can’t believe they aren’t for a few seconds after you wake up. The first one was about my good friend Candi. I dreamed she had a beautiful, redhaired little baby girl on August 17. I guess it’s not going to happen this Friday, but maybe in the future? For added weirdness, Candi told me later that August 17 is the day she and her wonderful fianc? Brian met! And I didn’t know that before I had the dream. {Cue up “Twilight Zone” music here.}

The other dream was about my godfather, Spencer.

He was a truly Renaissance man, an architect who graduated from Cornell and was on the Board of City Planners for San Francisco (it is partly due to his efforts that there are no further abominations like the Fontana Towers

marring our shoreline); a Lieutenant Colonel in the Navy; a connoisseur of wine, women, and song. I never asked him a question he couldn’t answer — his knowledge was far-ranging and diverse and he was a brilliant, amusing, once in a lifetime kind of guy.

He left us in January, 1993, and we had to wait for three weeks to scatter his ahes in the Bay he loved, because Nature seemed to be mourning the loss of this great man along with us, in the form of torrential rain and high winds.

In my dream, Rufus and I were visiting Spence in his house, but not his real house, a dream one with huge glass windows. We were all sitting together drinking Champagne and watching a giant thunderstorm together. Usually thunderstorms terrify me, but with my two guys there, I wasn’t scared at all. We were just laughing and having fun. It was great. It was a visit from Spence.

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One response so far

One Response to “Dreams”

  1. Candion 13 Aug 2001 at 7:58 pm

    I still can’t get over that! I even told Brian! He thought it was VERRRRRRRY interesting.