Archive for the 'Frivolity' Category

Nov 28 2019

Girl Night™

Published by under Country Life,Family,Frivolity

Ready to go!

It was definitely time for girl night!

Unfortunately for Megan, she had to teach a CPR class that day, so I ventured to the Village to pick up a pizza from Café Beaujolais, where they create amazing pizzas in their wood-fired brick oven. Keeping in mind the line that defeated me a few weeks ago, I got there right as they opened, ordering a pizza with salami, capers, and red onions. I sat in the sun in the beautiful garden as I waited, and noted that there was an alarming line by about noon. So the secret seems to be out and the pizza place is apparently going to be the new Swan Oyster Depot, a place of legendary lines.

When Megan’s class was over, she came by and picked me up. We stopped in at the Gro to get caramel ice cream and ginger cookies, and then headed to Megan’s place, where I was enthusiastically greeted by Star, who I am convinced remembers that I was there the day she was rescued, and Stella, who I am convinced is just copying Star’s enthusiasm because it is clearly the thing to do.

As you can see in the photo, Megan had equipped us with a bottle of strawberry infused vodka for Girl Night™. Fortunately for us, there was also a freezer full of strawberries from the garden. Megan blitzed frozen strawberries with some lemonade, then poured it into a pitcher with the vodka and more lemonade:

It was magically delicious, and I think we now have the official cocktail of Girl Night™. It needs a good name, though. The Elle Woods? It is her signature color, after all.

We thoroughly enjoyed our girl-o-rama double feature of Sweet Home Alabama and 13 Going on 30, probably more than Rob did, though he is remarkably tolerant of the silly movies, giggling, and driving his sister-in-law home after a few Elle Woods, especially now this is 12 miles one way instead of a few hundred feet or a quarter of a mile, the way it was in the old days.

I’m already planning the next double feature: a somewhat more Rob friendly combo of One for the Money and My Cousin Vinny.

A YEAR AGO: What do you know? A fun evening with my sister!

FIVE YEARS AGO: A wonderful Thanksgiving.

TEN YEARS AGO: Baby Jessica! Even then, we shared a deep love of glamor.

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO: Thanksgiving with Mom. In the hospital. It would be her last Thanksgiving. Miss you, Mom.

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Oct 24 2004


Published by under Frivolity

You know you’ve reached the heights (or depths) of slothfulness when the cleaners actually call you and ask you to pick up your stuff. They were nice about it, but I still felt like I was getting sent to the principal’s office. If I ever had any lingering concerns about being a responsible adult, I think I can stop worrying (after all, it causes those pesky wrinkles).

So I finally picked up the cleaning. It reminded me of a conversation I once had with a guy whose family owned a dry cleaning business. He said that he’d gotten lots of great clothes from it. I asked him how, and he said, “People just forget to come and get their stuff.” Pause. “And then, you know, some of them die.”

3 responses so far

Oct 19 2004


Published by under Frivolity


– My rodent roommate and I are peacefully coexisting. We have accomplished this by my not killing him or even trying to* and his not eating my food or showing his furry little face. This pretty much makes him anyone’s ideal roommate. He never brings chicks home, has loud parties, or objects to my taste in music. If he just paid rent, he’d be perfect.

– I have decided on my fur coat. It’s going to be pink and made of the rare and beautiful faux, which ranges freely in the forests of Orlon, in Nylon County. I also want a pair of mittens on a string, so I don’t lose them, either in the forest or the city. Also I think I would look cute and girlish. Would the pink pageboy wig be too much with this ensemble?

– I spent last night hanging out with two 20 year old boys. This does not happen often enough now that I’m old and possibly grey (or pink). The fact that one of them was my nephew and the other his best friend is in no way relevant. This is funny, though: I saw my nephew walking down the street before I even knew he was here. But I was in a taxi so I didn’t have time to yell out the window until I had swept past him.

– My friend A visited last week from Amsterdam. She introduced me to a whole new pleasure (and when’s the last time you’ve been able to say that?): getting a shampoo at a traditional Chinese hair salon. She navigated the language and the shampoo girls massaged our scalps, temples, and necks. My hair has never been so shiny. I guess they understand the straight hair thing. I can’t resist saying this: ancient Chinese secret! Mmmm.

I’m thinking of cutting my hair &agrave la Chloe on Smallville. What do you think?

– I still haven’t picked up my dry cleaning.

*Sloth or kindness? You decide. I can’t be bothered.

7 responses so far

Oct 15 2004


Published by under Frivolity

If yours is one of the emails moldering in my inbox, or a long-unanswered phone message, you aren’t the only one wondering where the hell Suzy is. I recently received the following email from my niece:

A Hopeful Inquiry

Hey! I just remembered! I have an Aunt! If I can recall correctly (it has been a while) she wasn’t feeling very well. She had some kind of wicked infection. Now, I know her name starts with an ‘S’, and since you are the only S in my address book, I figured you must be her. Tell me if this sounds familiar:

– blonde hair (but not on its own)

– short (or shall we say petite?)

– extravagant

– carbon-addict

– speaks French

– Giants fan

– allergic to dust

– loves champagne

– generally fabulous

If this sounds like you please reply to this address. I quite liked having an Aunt.

Yours sincerely,

Cat x x x x x x x x x

Naturally, I directed this to the proper authorities, who hastened to respond to my niece’s concerns:

Missing Persons Inquiry

Dear Ms. ——,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding your missing Aunt Suzy. You may be surprised to hear that yours was only one of dozens – possibly hundreds – we have received. We are working diligently on the case. We have already checked the hospitals and the most exclusive night clubs and restaurants, to no avail.

Don’t give up hope. We have a team of professional shoppers roaming delightful shopping locales, along with all downtown liquor stores which stock champagne.

Missing posters have been placed in strategic locales, such as jewelry and lingerie stores, and on the tops of taxis. We all know there is no point in placing these posters on bus stops – your Aunt’s views on public transportation are well-known.

You may be pleased to hear that we are planning to enroll her at the nearest location of Sloths Anonymous as soon as she is found. She clearly has a problem.

Our last resort is going to be a trail of diamonds leading to her iBook, in the hopes it will lead her to actually write to her friends and family. Harry Winston and Tiffany have already volunteered to assist in this endeavor.

We will keep you informed. Please let us know if you have any other ideas which may help us to find this fabulous creature. She is using up a great deal of our resources and man hours, as you can imagine.

Thank you again for your inquiry.

Best regards,

Missing Persons Bureau (Suzy Department)

6 responses so far

Oct 06 2004


Published by under Frivolity,Sports

The sinus infection has receded, after repeated applications of A’n’A (antibiotics & alcohol). I am now enjoying my convalescence (and I do mean enjoying), lying on the chaise longue like an interesting Victorian invalid, with a becoming pallor and the occasional, delicate sniffle and most lady-like of dainty coughs to remind any observers that I was, in fact, quite ill.

I was attempting to take my mind off the horror of my Giants losing the wildcard spot in the playoffs to Houston* (As if Texas hadn’t inflicted enough damage already, what with spawning the Bush dynasty and the unfortunate idea that cowboy boots are acceptable footwear with a business suit) by reading the latest in the fluffacious Shopaholic** series, when a mouse shot across the room as if fired from a cannon.

Maybe the Victorian thing goes deeper in this moderne girl than previously thought, because I leaped up and screamed with my hand on my heart in the most approved endangered heroine style before I even realized I did it. If the chaise (and I) weren’t so squashy I would have jumped up on it and probably shrieked, “Eeek! A mouse!” to complete the clich&eacute ridden scenario.

It’s amazing how instinctively horrified I was by a creature that’s so tiny. I’m probably like a Tyrannosaurus Rex to it, and possibly too big for it even to perceive me, and it’s far more likely that I could kill the mouse than it could kill me (other than rodent-induced heart attack), but I was probably more scared than it was.

It hasn’t made a return engagement, but everyone I have told about it informs me that there’s Never Just One, in ominous tones. My sis suggested a Have a Heart trap, forgetting that not all of us live in a little house in the big woods, where you can release a mouse and never see it again, until I started laughing. Also there is no point in putting bugs and other home invaders outside. All they want is to get back in. Even insects and rodents can tell that Nature is best to be avoided if at all possible, which is why they broke in in the first place. I can’t bear the idea of a trap and having to dispose of the sad little body (or bodies, since there’s Never Just One). What to do, what to do?

*Sporty Suzy has officially gone into hibernation. I have no interest in any of the teams now in the playoffs, other than hoping very earnestly from the depths of what passes for my heart that neither the Dodgers nor the Yankees win. Also if Houston plays NY I doubt if there is a stadium big enough to contain the egos of both Mr. Jeter and Mr. Clemens at the same time.

**With apologies to my dear Kathleen, who quite rightly objects to the heroine’s excesses. But being nouveau pauvre (can it still be nouveau after all this time, though?), all my shopping and excess has to be done vicariously now.

8 responses so far

Oct 01 2004


Published by under Frivolity

Here at the L’n’L Ranch (Languid & Lethargic), the level of slothfulness is approaching, in the parlance of our self-appointed government, Orange (High). To be honest, though, it rarely, if ever, dips below Yellow (Elevated) at the best of times, seeing as how I’m domestically disabled.

Evidence of the High Sloth Level:

– The groceries I bought two days ago, other than the perishables, which are safely stowed in the refrigerator where they belong, are still in their bags, though at least they are in the kitchen.

– My dry cleaning has been ready for ten days or more, and although the cleaner’s is only a block away and I have walked by it several times, I still haven’t picked it up. I usually only think about it after they’re closed and then promptly forget about it again.

– I have unanswered emails moldering in my inbox that are over a month old. My iBook is sneezing from the mold and dust and looking at me imploringly. “How hard can it be to just drop these folks a couple of lines, for dog’s sake?”, it asks, not unreasonably. I have yet to come up with a satisfactory response. Or any response, for that matter.

– I have begun to use my clothes dryer as a closet, just leaving the clean clothes in there until I’m ready to get them dirty again.

– I can’t be bothered to use the HTML to make this a real bulleted list.

– I have a project due on Monday that I haven’t even started.

In My Defense:

I have a raging sinus infection which is being treated with a fancy ass antibiotics during the day and fancy ass wine (alcohol is a germ killer, right?) in the evening. I am now both literally and figuratively snotty, blowing my nose to excess and keeping the Kleenex folks in business. I keep hearing the Batman theme in my head, only with the words replaced by “da da da da da da da da Snot Girl!” I should get a better theme song. Maybe “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.”

I am convinced that the sinus infection is a direct result of boasting over sour apple martinis that I haven’t had a cold for almost a year. I got through the whole winter without even a sniffle. The very next day, I woke up with a raging sore throat (treated with popsicles and echinacea) which segued into the sinus infection, the swift and sure revenge of the gods. I know a goddess would never do that to me.

4 responses so far

Sep 29 2004


Published by under Frivolity

Today: Caf&eacute Suz&eacute Perv&eacute (this is when I have leftover coffee and reheat it the next day, to my sister’s utter horror. But the coffee, like me, has, if anything, gained in strength overnight and is really perfectly good. Now I just don’t tell my sis about my secret vice so she can continue to adore me, because I really need it and it gives her something to do when she’s not driving an ambulance or saving lives) and a handful of Cap’n Crunch, straight out of the box. No milk, because I consider that to be a particularly noxious hazard waste product. The horrifying taste! The horrifying slime it leaves on the tongues of those foolish or unwitting enough to consume it….



Where was I? Oh, yes. Cap’n Crunch, on the other hand, is as delightful as I recall it from the last time I had it, many years ago. Still crunchy (as the name suggests), to the point of exfoliating the roof of your mouth, just as it did in days of old, and still sweet. Perfect.

This is a rarity in my experience. Many things I remember as being delightful when I was a child are not at all when I try them again as a faux adult (I mean, really: a girl of 20-22 eating cereal from the box is hardly an actual, responsible adult). Maybe the products have changed, or my taste has veered from the childlike to the edge of sophistication. Of course, when you’re a kid, you can and do eat Easter candy, including the truly frightening friandise known as marshmallow Peeps, first thing in the morning.

So, in answer to fabulous Michelle’s question: I think Healthy Suzy has left the building, possibly as thoroughly as Elvis. You may hear of alleged HS sightings (Nibbling wheat germ at a sidewalk caf&eacute in Paris! Racing a camel in Cairo! Climbing the Great Wall of China! Actually at the gym!), but I urge you to take these, like Elvis sightings, with a grain of salt, preferably fleur de sel. Now, if you hear that Elvis and Healthy Suzy have been seen together somewhere, with HS explaining to Elvis why fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches are not in fact a good idea, with visual aids such as enormous, tent-like sequined jumpsuits, throw away the salt (over your left shoulder, just in case) and BELIEVE.

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