Jul 20 2005


Published by at 4:48 pm under Dogs,Family,Rita,Uncategorized

Well, the good will toward the Howler has left the building as suddenly as it came. She escaped through the window again, only this time, she attacked Rita the Wonder Dog, who was on her way home with her owner after spending the weekend with me. It was a brief, yet terrifying encounter. No-one was hurt, and I hope Upstairs Guy is suitably embarrassed. They have caused an astonishing amount of trouble in the short time they have lived here. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot (or paw)!

My sister had an unpleasant experience of her own this weekend. While swimming at the river, someone stole her wallet out of the trunk of her car. No-one locks their car doors there in the depths of the country, but she figured, why tempt people more than necessary, so she put the wallet in the trunk. One of the other swimmers left, and then came back to tell my sister and the other swimmers that her car had had its windshield smashed.

I would have gone up right away to see if my car had been interfered with, but Megan figured, it is what it is, and finished her swim before returning to the parking lot. There was a whopping six dollars in the wallet, and now she has to replace her ambulance driver’s license along with her regular one, and all the other stuff. The worst thing was she carried around a little something I sent with her for encouragement as she nursed Dad through his last illness, and now it’s gone forever.

On the other hand, she’s getting this adorable replacement wallet. Nothing like shopping to cheer a girl up.

And just when I’d pretty much lost all faith in both human- and dog-nature, my friend Charlie returned from a trip to Venice with an adorable handbag for my collection and two shotglasses (Venetian glass!). He knows me too well. Cheered me right up, shallow Suzy that I am.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Natures”

  1. Kathleenon 21 Jul 2005 at 4:46 am

    Oh, no, poor sister! I’m having my own issues with human nature these days and that stuff makes me crazy. It’s never the money (because how many of us have any?), it’s the hassle of replacing the stuff in the wallet (or camper, see today’s post once I get it up). Sometimes I just freaking hate people.

    On the other hand, getting grand gifts is always fabulous!

  2. Amberon 21 Jul 2005 at 8:42 am

    That’s a lot of work, smashing a window, just to get $6. I hope karma’s a bitch to these people. heh.

    Love, love, love the shot glasses. They’re gorgeous!

  3. cassie-bon 22 Jul 2005 at 5:33 am

    Love the shot glasses. They would look nice on my bar.


  4. Michelleon 24 Jul 2005 at 12:07 pm

    The inconvenience of having a wallet stolen is more traumatic than the loss of the wallet itself. And let’s not mention the cost to replace the windshield. I am sorry it happened to your sister.

    You are a Lucky-Suzy being so outrageously spoilt like that. Enjoy your new prezzies Suzy-Girl.

  5. LisaBon 24 Jul 2005 at 4:44 pm

    wow – awesome loot from Venice – your friend has good taste!