Dec 16 2004

Published by at 8:03 am under Uncategorized

And from the more glamorous days of air travel:

A stewardess told me that when she first started out in her job in 1968, they would actually weigh the girls before they were allowed on the plane. Once, she weighed 1/4 pound too much and was thrown off the plane, missing a day’s pay. She said, “I just laughed and sat by the pool that day. Eventually, they stopped doing this, since it was so hard to find replacement staff at the last minute.”

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “”

  1. Kathleenon 16 Dec 2004 at 11:15 am

    My aunt started flying as a flight attendant in 1963. She’s still tiny so I doubt she ever got thrown off, but I’ll have to ask her. She’s coming to town tomorrow.

  2. cassie-bon 18 Dec 2004 at 10:51 am

    Amazing – I’ll bet they can’t do that now.

  3. Marcon 20 Dec 2004 at 4:48 am

    That’s funny… and a little horrifying! I’m guessing they probably didn’t apply the same criteria to the men (were there any?)

    My Mum was a stewardess for British Airways’ predecessor in the 1950’s, on the Africa route, and they trained her to kill lions. In case you ever find yourself in a crash in the jungle, here’s how to do it.
    Find a stout pointed stake and hold it at a 45 degree angle to the lion, bracing it with your foot. Lion leaps and is impaled.

  4. Suzyon 20 Dec 2004 at 9:47 am

    Especially when wearing high heels and a tight uniform! Yikes!