Jul 25 2010

Wake Up Call

Published by at 8:08 am under Cats

Curious Audrey, August 2007

Audrey woke me up this morning by clanging on the metal shade of the bedside lamp. She woke me up from a dream with June in it (we were buying pomegranates for something Megan was cooking*) and then just sat there, looking at me.

It was especially annoying because two hours earlier, I had gotten up and opened the door for her at dawn, leaving it open despite the chill. As I went back to bed and snuggled under the blankets, I thought how lucky I was to enjoy blankets near the end of July.

When I plodded downstairs, Audrey raced to the studio door, suggesting that she is STARVING. I ignored her and made coffee, not just because I’m a mean green bean, but because I think it’s a bad idea to feed your cat as soon as you get up. This gives them ideas and leads to less beauty sleep for you (though not for them).

Also, I knew perfectly well that there would still be food in her dish. Audrey never eats all her food, but she likes to have fresh food put in her dish at her command. She won’t eat any of the old food until new food joins it. This, like blankets in July, is a luxury she did not have when her sister was around. Even when the kittens were newborns, June was the biggest and cheerfully walked all over her tiny siblings to nurse.

Speaking of kittens…Mark and his family have two! They are little brothers, black with white paws, and one of them has a white stripe on his nose. I’d guess they are about six weeks old, and they still have blue eyes. I was so excited when Mark told me about them that I forgot my camera, but will hopefully have visual aids for you soon. To make up for this egregious oversight, I have posted a picture of Audrey at around the same age, already looking for trouble.

*In my dreams, my lost loved ones are never dead, it’s all a big misunderstanding. Also, the cats are semi-human, in that we have adventures together and can somehow communicate without actually talking. I like to think of these dreams as visits.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Wake Up Call”

  1. Joyon 25 Jul 2010 at 9:55 am

    What a cute photo of Audrey….as you say, she does appear to be looking to see what mischief she can get into…..


  2. LisaBon 25 Jul 2010 at 1:39 pm


  3. Guyon 25 Jul 2010 at 7:26 pm

    You’re right in thinking that our loved ones are never completely gone and that you can feel them around you. Dreams are a wonderful way of communicating although not the only option, I’m a lucky person indead.

  4. Mikeon 26 Jul 2010 at 9:47 am

    It’s truly remarkable how cats can tell time.