Jun 30 2004


Published by at 3:46 pm under San Francisco

Overheard at a cafe this afternoon:

Woman 1: “She spent $15,000 on underwear*.”

Woman 2: “Well, let’s just see if that gets her a boyfriend.”

The woman at the next table, which was completely empty other than a bottle of gold nailpolish, painted her nails serenely, as if she hadn’t heard a word. Maybe she just has way better manners than I do and doesn’t eavesdrop. I love to. They say listeners hear no good of themselves, but the fun of eavesdropping is that they’re hardly ever talking about you. Unless you’re rich and/or famous, in which case, what else did you expect?

*Surely when underwear is that expensive, it rates being called lingerie.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Catty”

  1. cassie-bon 01 Jul 2004 at 5:56 pm

    That’s a lot of money. I could buy a whole wardrobe, and still have money left over to buy dinner!

  2. Amberon 01 Jul 2004 at 7:44 pm

    I agree, that rates being called lingerie!

  3. Kellyon 01 Jul 2004 at 8:38 pm

    That rates being called insanity! 😉

  4. Karanon 06 Jul 2004 at 1:47 pm

    I’m guessing you’re not talking about grannie panties from JC Penneys, right?