Jun 18 2004


Published by at 3:48 am under Uncategorized

It was a beautiful day at the ballpark. So beautiful, in fact, that I ended up with Ballpark Burn on my forearms, and only my forearms. I wore a hat and sunglasses and sunscreen, but pushing up the sleeves of my Giants t-shirt and sitting in the sun for three hours means that I now look like I have on elbow-length red gloves. I sort of look like Neapolitan ice cream. Even less appealing than trucker’s tan.

But on the bright side, my Giants beat the Toronto Blue Jays* 8-5, and Barry Bonds even made an appearance as a pinch hitter just for Sporty Suzy. The fact that the game was tied at that point wasn’t a factor, of course. This was the first time the Jays had played the Giants, and after being beaten for all three games, they probably aren’t in a hurry to come back – unless they want a rematch, or more of those fabulous Gilroy garlic fries.

*I have to admit, their logo is adorable.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Buuurn!”

  1. Karanon 18 Jun 2004 at 6:59 am

    You’ve come a long way from the last year Suzy who didn’t know what do at a ball game! Do you get to see the Portuguese Water Dogs who catch the balls in the Bay…the Bark Team http://sanfrancisco.giants.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/sf/community/sf_community_option1.jsp?story_page=bark_community ?

  2. Ravenon 18 Jun 2004 at 9:53 am

    I just moved offices and I’m looking out the window at the Skydome not 100 feet away.

    The Jays marketing team really hit one out of the park with the new cute logos. Jays can’t win the AL East but they’ll look cute losing. Selling the Jays is all sizzle no steak. Much like the Raptors.

    At least it isn’t the CFL.

    Why do I like sports?

  3. LisaBon 19 Jun 2004 at 12:00 am

    Aw, I want a picture of SportSuzy!! =)

  4. Kathleenon 21 Jun 2004 at 9:28 am

    Oh, I miss SF garlic fries!!! Wish Tiger Stadium* had them.

    * I refuse to call it Comerica Park. The Tigers play there, hence, Tigers Stadium!