Jun 13 2004
I’ve been thinking that I should ask you guys for possible captions for the photos, like The New Yorker’s annual contest, only without the fame and prizes. This one hardly needs one, though I suppose the correct response would be, “I do, too”, or possibly, “Who doesn’t?”
8 Responses to “Novel(l)”
That is a lovely shade of purple 🙂
my comment would be “why?”, but then, I always love a bit of ego-stroking. Or in teh words of the OC, “thank you”; nice and polite.
Title: Intimacy Issues
Hey– great idea! Caption: I Nove You, Two
What’s nove got to do with it?
Well, I dieci you!
(nove is Italian for nine…guess what dieci is)
i’m enjoying making up scenarios that would explain the nove. seems like the sort of in thing that the couple would consider very cute but others would just roll their eyes over.