Jan 18 2004
While lying on the couch the other night, annoyed by the patient ticking of the 250+ year old grandfather clock – yes, the same one I went through hell to restore and ship here from England, and yes, I realize it’s perverse of me to resent this beautiful heirloom, but lack of sleep can change a girl’s priorities, especially in the dark watches of the night – I realized that we have far too many clocks.
There are clocks in every room, and I’m not including those on the many VCR’s and other appliances. There are three in the living room alone, though only one actually works. None of the clocks that do work agree on what time it is, either, so my sense of time when at home (and most of the time, come to think of it) is extremely approximate.
When my nephew was here at Christmas, he took a look around, noticed all the clocks with their individual sense of time, and said, “Cool. You have your own time zones.”
4 Responses to “Time”
Your post reminded me of an old fella I used to know that collected clocks and I mean he collected them. His apartment was covered from wall to wall (you couldn’t see what colour paint his walls were) and they were on every counter, mantle etc. He hand thousands of them, no word of a lie. When he died and they cleaned out his place, they had to tear down the walls and redo them, there were too many holes LOL
And why are you struggling with sleep? You should be so exhausted that sleep should not be a problem. Maybe fresh lavender around your home and drops of lavender sprinkled on your pillow will help.
Now your nephew has a good idea – change your clocks to different time zones – UK time, EST time etc. Then when you feel like a good excuse for anything (like sleeping during the day) you can always say you are currently on UK time *lol*.
I like the sound of your nephew. Ha.
I also grew on a house with more than twenty clocks, that simply by aggregation appeared in every wall, room and device.
It does gives a sense of time, specially late at night.