Jun 03 2003


Published by at 11:26 am under Uncategorized

11:30 a.m. Vacation Suzy Time

Last day of being 40! But I have a party tonight and another one tomorrow. While Vacation Suzy was sleeping, her birthday party was being planned for her. I wish I could be Vacation Suzy all the time. I’m feeling the love, and not feeling my age.

Speaking of which: I saw in the local paper today that the Canadian coins that feature the Queen are going to show her looking older and not wearing her crown, or even a tiara. It’s supposed to make Her Majesty look “more approachable”. I really think it’s the bodyguards that make her unapproachable, you know? Also she looks like she could really swat you with that handbag she always carries. I wonder what’s in it? I bet it isn’t coins with her face on them (imagine how surreal that would be?).

She has aged 4 times on the coins in the 50 years of her reign. If I were Queen, I would refuse to age on the coins at all, no matter how long the reign. It’s the one place where you can control it! And I’d make damned sure I was wearing at least a tiara. The jewelry has to be one of the few perks of having to be Her Majesty.

Better to be Queen for a day (or week) than for life.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Queens”

  1. Colinon 03 Jun 2003 at 11:10 am

    Haha, that’s hysterical! I knew Canada was part of the Commonwealth, but I had no idea that the Queen was on the coins.

    I think the queen is unapproachable because she glares as if she’s about to lash out and throw one of her bodyguards at you. She just has that mean, “Not another inch closer!” look, haha!

  2. amyon 04 Jun 2003 at 6:05 am

    Happy Birthday Suzy!! You made 40 look so damn good that you should be the poster woman for what other women have to look forward to. You rock sister 😉 I hope your birthday is fucking fantabulous.

  3. Kellyon 04 Jun 2003 at 8:58 am

    She looks much more approachable when surrounded by her corgis. 😉

    40? No way. I say 35, tops.