Jun 01 2003


Published by at 9:25 am under Uncategorized

Someone at the chamber of commerce didn’t get the memo, or ignored it, because it rained all day yesterday. And you know how I love that. If it got it out of its system in time for Birthday Week, which starts tomorrow with a parade and fireworks, it was worth it, though.

John and I hit the major local tourist attractions yesterday. First stop was Mars Diner, just a block from where I used to live when I was at school. I was delighted to discover that it looked exactly the same both outside and inside, right down to the plates (if it’s too small to read, the slogan is “Just out of this world”). It was a great breakfast.

A block away is the street I used to live on. The house I lived in is now on the National Register of Historic Places, of course, which is why it is pretty much unchanged after two decades, right down to the tacky striped metal awning. Historic preservation, you understand.

My friend Alice and I had apartments right next to each other in this house, so it was pretty much an endless slumber party, though with little slumbering done. After all, she was at the beginning of her modelling career, so there were always visitors, and since it was the 80’s, drugs and alcohol flowed freely. It was a very extreme Mary & Rhoda situation.

Last stop on the tourist trail was Kensington Market, a frequent haunt of mine in the old days. It is now either exactly the same or completely changed. One of the places that is still the same is Courage My Love (the bright blue building), where you can get vintage clothes and other cool stuff. Still. It also happens to be where I bought my wedding dress.

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