Mar 01 2010
Magnolias at the library, Saturday afternoon
Hey! I successfully lit the oven tonight without exploding it, or Self, or even burning off eyebrows or other valued body parts. This always gives me a feeling of accomplishment, especially since it’s a new month and so far I’ve gotten through a whole day without even a minor injury. Hopefully it’s not like “In like a lion and out like a lamb” and I end the month in traction.
Here in Hooterville, March came in more like a lazy cat than a lion or a lamb. it just kind of sat there, grey and unmoving, all day. Yesterday, however, it was sunny enough for a local beekeeper to come and inspect the remains of the hive.
On the bright side, the Queen is alive (long live the Queen!), but the population is pretty much decimated. I’m not sure if it was mites or the fact that the bottom of the hive is mesh (which the previous owner failed to mention) and they probably froze to death, the poor things. But the Queen is still reigning over her depleted realm, and there is a LOT of honey. I hope the bees recover and/or we can find a new colony to join the survivors.
We had a more festive dinner than usual last night. I had the genius idea of making Thanksgiving Lite, so I got a couple of turkey breasts (since none of us likes the dark meat and there’s no carcass to deal with) and roasted them. I made dressing/stuffing with leftover bread and et ceteras, including corn bread (score!) and herbs from Megan’s garden. I learned at Safeway that they don’t carry fresh cranberries after the holidays, so canned it was. Add in some fresh green beans and too many bottles of local-ish wine (from the next county over) and you have a fun dinner on your hands. The boys gradually dispersed, and Meg and I stayed up too late, listening to music and having just one more glass of wine.
3 Responses to “Misbeehaving”
Use frozen cranberries… they’re great!
Beautiful blooms, nice photo. Glad the Queen is alive and well, the population will not take long to increase with her around.
Think Positively……. Tis the season to be Happy!
Meal sounds great…must try it when we get home……