May 27 2001

Fish Disaster

Published by at 7:35 am under Uncategorized

Woke up this morning to discover that our fishtank had changed during the night from a safe haven into a sort of bouillabaisse.

Apparently the heating unit — which is only a couple of months old — overheated and cooked our poor fish overnight. I can hardly stand to think about it. We only fed them the day before yesterday and everything was fine when we went to bed last night. Rufus has taken them out and cleaned the tank, so now it is standing, empty and reproachful, on the kitchen table. I don’t know if we should just put it away or start again in a few weeks’ time. Clearly we are unfit fish parents.

One response so far

One Response to “Fish Disaster”

  1. Candion 29 May 2001 at 7:06 am

    Ack, how horrible!!!! Our little “baby tank”, the one that’s 2 gallons that we have the baby fish in, does that too. The heater is a piece of crap. But, whenever you change the water and take the heater out, you have to watch it closely because of that. Every time I clean ours out I check it every 2 or 3 hours because the damn heater cranks up and before you know it it’s up to 82 – 84 degrees. It’s probably a submersible, right? They suck. 🙁 It’s not your fault, though…