Aug 30 2009

Survival Modish

Published by at 7:51 am under Life in Oaktown,Movies,Schatzi,TV,Weather

Whew. That’s over, at least for now. I was thrilled to wake this morning to the welcome sight of the fabulous fog wrapping the palm trees in glamorous glory. The girls are no less delighted than I am, and are racing around the house instead of wilting furrily by the door, gasping for any errant wisp of air. If panting wasn’t so undignified, they would have been doing it right along with me.

When you have a few days of intense heat in a row, it seems to accumulate like compound interest. By yesterday afternoon, it was suffocating in my house. I literally felt like I couldn’t breathe, like I was drowning in hot air. It’s a horrible feeling. Fortunately, by late evening, the sea breeze started up, and overnight the fog fairy granted my wish.

My cheapness won out over my love of luxury, and I didn’t flee to a motel after all. Instead, I watched How to Marry a Millionaire, especially enjoying Betty Grable’s befurred insouciance as she visits a snowy Maine lodge with a grumpy older man, under the misapprehension that the lodge in question will be full of Elks rather than surrounded by, well, elks. Fortunately for Betty, the lodge is accessorized with a handsome forest ranger*. Meanwhile, back in New York, Marilyn Monroe is a sight for sore eyes while trying to hide her near-sightedness in the belief that “men aren’t attentive to girls who wear glasses”. Honey, believe me: you could be wearing Coke bottle specs and they’d all still be at your feet. Especially in that red number.

I was amused to note that Lauren Bacall’s character is named Schatzi! I’ve seen the film many times, but never made the connection between the Park Avenue princess and the canine one. I wonder why that is?

My favorite scene is still the fashion show, where all three girls model clothes for Schatzi’s would-be beau, who Schatzi is convinced is poor, while in fact he is a billionaire. It was a great way to take a girl’s mind off current circumstances: beautiful cast, gorgeous costumes, and New York, New York!

*I love that old TV show, The Forest Rangers. It’s so charming.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Survival Modish”

  1. joyon 30 Aug 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Love your entries…never know what to expect & always well written. Good stuff….
    Glad it has cooled somewhat.


  2. LisaBon 30 Aug 2009 at 7:41 pm

    I know how you feel about the heat – our 1920s apt building slowly heats up like an oven so for the first day of a heat wave we’re nice and cool but then it gets stupid hot and stays stupid hot even when it’s cooled down outside.

    (love that movie!)

  3. Guyon 31 Aug 2009 at 4:03 am

    Glad the weather eased up and that you and the cats were finally able to breathe and cool off, these extreme temperatures are very hard on everyone.