May 21 2009
Round Three
Well, the inevitable was delayed. I got to the office half an hour before the auditrons were due. An hour later, neither they nor my boss had appeared. I called him a few times before we connected, and it turned out that the fun was set to start at 1:00 this afternoon instead of first thing this morning. So I didn’t have to get up at 6:30 after a fitful night’s nightmares, or brave rush hour BART after all.
Good to know.
Since I had time on my formerly manicured hands, I decided to pop out and get a card for my sister’s birthday on Monday and pick up a bagel for brunch. My Etsy addiction has heightened my standards to the point where nothing looked good enough for my sis, but I picked the cutest one they had. So card will probably be late and not up to standard.
I got my bagel and repaired to the office. On opening it up, the interior was suspiciously pink. I sniffed it cautiously. Smoked salmon! Ugh! Salmon is bad enough, but smoked salmon is beyond the pale. So I packed it up and went back to exchange it.
So far, par for the course.
They’re coming back on June 1 to give us our report card. Hopefully that will be it for another few years.
2 Responses to “Round Three”
You could write a whole book on this particular sage re: auditiors….My goodness me, what a palaver.
Sorry about your bagel.
Well, you see Suzy, the audit has come and gone, and it looks like you have survived it well. The report card will prove that all is good and life goes on, stay healthy, live long and prosper, as I have heard before.