Sep 10 2024


Published by at 7:31 am under Cats

It seemed like Duchess had been gone forever, but I decided not to visit her while she was in exile, because I didn’t want her to associate me with the horror of being stuck inside at a stranger’s house, with seven kittens demanding constant attention. Instead, I would sweep in and be Hero Girl, taking her away from all that!

Finally, it was time for her to come home. I was excited to pick her up. I brought an arrangement of flowers for Shelley, who had cared for Duchess and her brood for so long, and had a chance to admire the beautiful kittens:

They were happy and healthy, and their Halloween colors made them extra appealing this time of year. Shelley thought there would no problem getting them adopted.

Duchess was glad to get home, though Dodge was less than thrilled to see her, which surprised me. They were such good friends before, and I thought he would be happy she was home. Maybe it was the smell of the strange house, or the post-baby hormones. Whatever it was, he gave her a wide berth.

Another surprising change was that she had no interest in going outside, whereas before, she would freak out if I tried to keep her in overnight. Maybe two months of being inside where it’s safe and warm and there is food and water and comfortable places to sleep made her realize that being inside isn’t so bad. There’s no fervor like the converted.

She wasted no time in rolling around on her back in her patented way:

You can see a little flash of her spayed pink belly. No more babies for Her Grace!

FIVE YEARS AGO:  Some culinary experiences, some more successful than others.

TEN YEARS AGO:  A great evening at the theater with the girls.

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO:  Remembering my grandparents and their long and happy marriages.

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