Oct 01 2001


Published by at 8:00 am under Uncategorized

I’m probably one of the few people in America who doesn’t own a pair of jeans. There are many reasons for this, chief among them being that as far as I can see, they emphasize the least attractive points of one’s figure, especially on women. You don’t have to be a historian or a student of the history of fashion to know that these garments were designed for men.

Another thing is that heavy fabric and those heavy seams. How can that be comfortable, especially in those personal areas (and again, this is often an emphasized area that really shouldn’t be)? And why on earth would you want to notify the world of your waist size? There you are, walking down the street, telling complete strangers that your waist size is 38 and you have stubby little 29 inch legs. Why is this a good idea?

And finally, in my case it would be 10 pounds of glamor in a 5 pound bag. And honey, there are already enough gay men in this fair city!

One response so far

One Response to “Jeans”

  1. Candion 01 Oct 2001 at 8:56 pm

    Hey, I have stubby little 29″ legs, and I love jeans!!! 🙂

    And I ABHOR women’s jeans. Give me a men’s pair of Levi’s any day… women’s jeans are so long in the waist that I can usually pull the fuckers up to my boobs. Ugh.