Aug 04 2001

Vet Visit

Published by at 10:45 am under Uncategorized

Took all four cats to the vet for check ups today. I’m glad to report that everyone is in good health, though Hannah has one of her recurring ear infections and will need ear drops for a week and Sophie needs her teeth cleaned sometime during the next 3 months. Sophie is now only 12 & 1/2 pounds! She used to weigh 16. Now she’s perfect. I think Jack being a food demon and chasing everyone around has something to do with that. Cleo is always perfect, but we had a blood panel run on her since she’s 8 years old now and submitted her to the indignity of having her claws clipped, because she won’t let us do it. We aren’t allowed to touch her butt or her claws, and that’s the way it is.

All this for $400. *Gasp* I should have been sitting down when I got that horrifying total. And that’s including $70 worth of coupons and the discount for the healthcare plan. No wonder I don’t have kids — I can hardly afford cats!

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